
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Food and Fashion?

When I started this blog LONG ago, I was styling in Dallas and wanting to utilize this blog for inspiration and my passion for visual design. Although I am still focused on creating and sharing pretty things through my webstore (, I am also extraordinarily passionate about creating clean recipes. Food is most definitely not a new passion but living a clean lifestyle is. I began feeling a little less than fabulous years ago, wondering what was causing these health changes.

After a long and bumpy road, I have found that I have a little something called candidiasis. First, you feel as though you've been plagued by a very disruptive and violating ailment and although I am not glorifying or belittling this serious auto-immune disorder, I am strangely thankful for it.

I am, and have always been, a proclaimed "foodie". Sweet and savory indulgences were my regular pathway to my happy place. I have also always been a very health-conscious person. My father, grandfather, great uncles, and brother-in-law were/are all Chiropractors so healthy alternatives have always been a way of life. So, it came as a bit of shock to me to realize I had accumulated this pesky condition, resulting in my intolerance for all of the foods I held dear to my heart! With every challenge this crazy world has thrown at me, my tenacity has thankfully not faltered. I took this "negative" diagnosis as a challenge that I would turn into a positive one. With determination and a love for good food, I have been lucky enough to magically create phenomenal dishes (and yes, I will toot my own horn)! And I use the word "magically" because before this journey, I would have looked at the foods from my candida guide (The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates) and think my life of eating delicious food was over. Now, I eat well and by "eat well", I mean the food I ingest is not only wonderful tasting but it contributes to the healing and nourishment of my body. With all of that said, I hope this can be a useful guide for those of you who may be struggling with candida or would like to make a healthy lifestyle change..or just a satisfying meal, at the least! I will be sharing personal recipes, tips, favorite products, and accommodating restaurants...Enjoy!

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