
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chia Cinnamon Sandies

Yesterday, like many days, I was wanting something sweet to eat. Recently, I've read about dessert recipes that were made with beans. I was thinking the same thing you're probably thinking right now! Beans? Yes, beans! I am open to giving anything a shot because I have been pleasantly surprised time and time again so, after reading through various recipes, I decided to give it a shot, Body Ecology style! I had to try a few different varieties to see if my omits and replacements would work. The second batch was the winner and it was really very simple! This protein-packed treat is a great item to make as a grab and go breakfast, dessert, or snack!

Quick note: if you're unfamiliar with Lakanto- an all natural sweetener that I use in mostly all of my sweet recipes, definitely give it a shot! It is great for people who suffer from candida, diabetes, or weight problems because it has zero calories and zero glycemic index. It is comparable to stevia but is much easier to bake with because it converts equally with sugar when you're substituting ingredients. It comes in a brown and white form. The brown actually tastes similar to brown sugar, so I prefer it over the white for a lot of my baked goods.

What you will need:
(For optimized health, I suggest you try to make sure you use as much organic ingredients as possible!)

-1 1/2 cups chickpeas/garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained.
-3 heaping tablespoons of chopped almonds, or 3 tablespoons of sugar free almond butter, or nut butter.
-2 teaspoons vanilla extract, preferably alcohol free if you're suffering from candida.
-1/8 teaspoon baking soda
-1/8 teaspoon sea salt
-2/4 cup + 1-2 tablespoons Lakanto (or 3/4 cup of coconut sugar if you don't have a candida issues).
-1 tablespoon coconut oil
-1 tablespoon ground chia seeds, or if you prefer more texture, whole chia seeds.
-3 tablespoons non-denatured, GMO free, sugar- free protein powder, such as RenewPro or Whey Factors. (Non-denatured pretty much means there was no chemical process involved in making it.)
-3 teaspoons cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Blend all ingredients in a food processor until mixture is smooth. Place batter into an 8" x 8" pan lined with parchment paper and bake for 30-32 minutes. For a thicker blondie, use a smaller pan and bake for an additional 2-5 minutes. Store in the fridge.

Voila! You can also add additional chopped nuts for extra, extra protein and texture.  My serving suggestion: enjoy this sweet treat with a warm cup of chai tea!

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